New: Automatic and Self-Learning Placeholders
Estimating project costs and profitability can be a complex and daunting task. You need to juggle multiple variables, including resource availability, skillsets, and cost rates, to ensure accurate budgeting and forecasting. At Price&Cost, we understand this challenge and have come up with a solution that simplifies the estimation process: Placeholders.
How to Create and Manage a Project Budget
Budgets inform the success of a project. Learn how to create and manage your project budgets with an actionable step-by-step guide, template, and examples.
New: Activity Performance Insights
Activity Performance Insights are here. This functionality allows you to understand where the overages are coming from on your project and if it's something you can still fix
New: Track granular project performance with Activities
We've rolled out Activities in Price&Cost. Activities can be phases, project deliverables, or milestones. This allows for even more granular control of projects’ financial performance.
How to Succeed in Project Budget Management?
We sat down with our Co-Founder and CEO Andrei Bernovski to get his thoughts on Project Budget Management. He has worked in a variety of agencies and consultancies, experiencing many ups and downs and process struggles of both big and small project-based businesses.