Price&Cost has already proved to be a great solution for businesses around the world to estimate and track their project budgets. We've always had support for Materials and Fixed costs, but it wasn't obvious and wasn't always aligned with how some of our users expected those types of line-items represented in their estimates. We've heard you, and we've delivered!
Price&Cost is used by over 800 businesses around the world spanning multiple industries – construction, engineering, landscaping, digital and marketing agencies, etc. A definition of project in each of those businesses is different. And even though we have a lot of raving fans amongst our clients – we’ve been receiving a lot of feedback regarding support of different resource types. Some industries are more material-heavy than others (e.g construction), some are less.
Price&Cost now allows you to plan and track your projects with People, Materials and Other costs as resource types, whilst retaining the same easy and intuitive interface we’ve always had. You can also see your Budget breakdown by Resource type.
This is the familiar screen you already know and love. Easily add People to your project by selecting their Name and Role, Define internal cost and price for a unit of time, enter how much time they will be spending on the project (either daily or weekly).
Enter all the items you need to add to you project which are quantified and billed ‘per unit” – electrical equipment, concrete per m3, tiles per sqm, etc. Choose quantity.
Enter all the items that are hard to break down into units – normally those are fixed costs.
Enter the cost and choose if you want to bill this to the client or not.
Price&Cost helps you estimate quicker by defining all the Resources, their rates, costs and other settings in one central place. Adding those to the project is then effortless – just start typing their name or role and we’ll display all matching results. Once selected, we’ll set the correct Price/Cost as per the settings you’ve defined earlier.
This functionality now extends to all Resource types!
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If you have any questions or comments – don’t hesitate to contact us!
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