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  • 6 min read

    4 Steps for Successful Project Planning in Creative Agencies

    Creative process by definition is something fuelled by inspiration. Yet, in a commercial environment - if things are not thought through and pre-planned, you are almost definitely destined to lose money. Especially when the final result should be innovative and inspired.

  • 6 min read

    5 Types of Project Management Methodologies

    To be successful in project management, you need to have a methodology as a baseline for decision making. But which methodology works best for you? Here are the 5 methodologies to get you started.

  • 6 min read

    Top 7 Questions when choosing a Project Management tool

    The world of PM tools is getting bigger and bigger and it’s difficult to navigate and find the right solution. It’s easy to get stuck in a solution that isn’t fit for purpose but you won’t change because it’s just too painful to carry everything over to a new system. How to avoid that? Where to start?

  • 6 min read

    Your Guide to Project Management Cost Estimation

    Whether it's a few cents or a few million dollars, estimates claim that nearly 85% of all projects go over budget. This can result from mismanagement of labor, materials, or any combination of factors. But these unnecessary wastes in budget require project management cost estimation that can predict bumps in the road.

  • 5 min read

    5 Steps To Creating a Financial Budget For Small Businesses

    Your budget isn't the most glamorous part of running a business, but it is the most vital. Even the most successful small business will tank if it can't budget effectively. Simply put, you won't get anywhere if you're bleeding cash. The only way to know if you are is by budgeting.